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We are Yoga & Nutrition Experts
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About us

Annie Hofstadter
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Happy Faces of Happy Students
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- MBA in Human Resources From JRN Rajasthan Vidyapith University, Udaipur
- PG Diploma in Hospital Administration & CMT from Apollo Hospitals educational Et Research Foundation, Hyderabad with an attended campus of Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi
- NABH Accreditation programme on the implementation of standards for hospital at Jalandhar (Punjab)
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- Membership of All India management association (AIMA), New Delhi
- participate as delegate in medical conference at Mumbai in March 2014 & March 2016.
- participate as delegate in medical conference at New Delhi in March 2015 on health insurance.
- participate as delegate in medical conference at New Delhi in September 2018 on survival strategies for small & medium hospitals.